What kind of competition would you like to take part in? What prize would you like to win? Do you think participating in competitions is worth the time and effort, why
по 2 предложения


Ответ дал: Agreste
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I would like to take part in some sort of designer’s competitions, when everyone should make and present their individual project. I think that participating in competitions worth the time and effort because it’s a great chance to show your individual abilities, obtain a new experience and if you win, it’s also a good reason to be proud of yourself. And it’s always a pleasure to receive a prize even if not a main one. I would like to win an opportunity to go studying somewhere.

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Agreste: I would like to take part in some sort of designer’s competitions. I think it is very good idea,because everyone can make and present their individual project. As for presents, I would like to win an opportunity to go studying somewhere.For example, it would be great to go studying in English, there i can improve my language skills.
Agreste: I guess participating in competitions worth the time and effort. It’s a great chance to show your individual abilities, obtain a new experience . If you win, it’s also a good reason to be proud of yourself. And it’s always a pleasure to receive a prize even if not a main one.
Agreste: Я немножко поменяла
Agreste: Простите, я здесь недавно
Agreste: Еще не освоилась
Agreste: Но я пыталась помочь
aperson: спасибо♥
Agreste: оййййййййй... там не English, а England. Я как всегда
aperson: я испоавлю юшибки,не волнуйся)
aperson: ошибки
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