(Задание 5) Read AJ's diary. Complete the questions with these words. Write two more questions.
Danny's cooking breakfast. He often cooks. I'm not helping him. I never help with the food. It's very hot. Nipper and Bonzo are sleeping. I'm not feeling very well today. I like the evenings. We cometimes watchthe sea and talk. It's good.
(След. нужно ставить слова...)
Are, Do , -Does-, Is, Do
1. Does Danny often cook the breaksat?
2. ____ AJ helping him?
3. ____ Nipper and Bonzo sleeping?
4. ____ they play music in the evenings?
5. ____ they watch the sea?
(и составить ещё 2 вопроса по этой теме.)
(Задание 6) Answer the questions in Exercise 5.
1. Yes, he does.
Очень прошу помочь :( не могу понять как где отвечать. 70 баллов.

Динка2004: Составить два СВОИХ вопроса..


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

1. Does Danny often cook the breaksat?
2. Is AJ helping him?
3. Are Nipper and Bonzo sleeping?
4. Do they play music in the evenings?
5. Do they watch the sea?
6 Do you like evenings?
7 Do they talk?

Задание 6
1. Yes, he does.
2 No,he isn't.
3 Yes,they are.
4 No,they don't.
5 Yes,they do.
6 Yes,I do.
7 Yes,they do.

Динка2004: Юлия, вот честно сказать - Вы моя спасительница! :) на той странице помогли, и на этой... огромное Вам спасибо!
Juliyasha11: Рада помочь!)
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