Complete each sentence with a verb phrase from the box.
afford to/ designed to/ forget to/ hard to/ hope to/ likely to/ slow to/
teach me how to/ try not to/ willing to/
a) Don’t break it. I can’t afford to buy a new one. b) The weather is changing. It’s getting much colder and we’re ………………..have snow tomorrow. c) I’d love some more chocolate cake. It’s ……………….resist. d) What do you………………..gain by your actions? e) It’s the first time I’ve tried ice-skating. Please………………………laugh! f) Can you…………………play chess as well as you? g) The government was……………….react to the threat of war. h) Don’t ………………..ask him about his mother. She’s been ill recently. i) These exercises are…………………….strengthen your stomach muscles. j) She’s a great music teacher – she’s ……………………share her love of Mozart with us all.


Ответ дал: Ripsidus
b. likely to
c. hard to
d. hope to
e. try not to
f. teach me how to
g. slow to
h. forget to
designed to
willing to

LegitBongo: троекратное спасибо и 100 баллов))
Ripsidus: Пожалуйста
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