complete the sentences. use on, off, up or over.
1 Alex rings up his girlfriend ever  day.
 2.  I've finished using the Internet. Shall I log _____  or do you want to use it?
3. Can  you turn ______ the television when the film ends?
4. Hew do you turn this mobile phone _____?I  want to make a call.
5. The phone rang and I  picked it ______ , but nobody spoke. The  person just hung _____. 
I thing it was a wrong number.
6.  Were's the remote control? I need to turn _____ to Channel 4.
7. Please turn ______ all mobile phones in the cinema.
8. U need to send an email, I'm going to log ______  to  the Internet.


Ответ дал: igor3
2. Off
5. Up. Over.
6. Over
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