Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What is the opposite of word "late"?
2. can you name at least two synonyms for the word " beautiful"?
3. What are cimparative and superlative dagrees of the word "little"?
4. What is the plural?
5. Which of the following is a synonym for "boring": interesting, serious, dull, ugly?
6. which of the following is a fool: beach, bacon, basket, bull.
7. What is the opposite of the verb " to remember"?
8. what is the adverb form of the adjective "hard"?
9. when we get on a bus, which of the following do we pay: a fee, a charge, a salary, a fare?
10. Which of the following is never used in the plural: mile, page, information, language?


Ответ дал: Ripsidus
1. early
2. pretty, gorgeous
3. less, the least
4. denoting more than one
5. dull
6. bacon
7. to forget
8. hardly
9. a fare
10. information
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