Ответьте на задание в виде текста.

Заполните пропуски, используя слова в рамке.

This is Ann. She is ill. If you fill in the gaps you'll learn what the matter with her is.

Yesterday Ann fell 1... . She had a bad 2... . It 3... when she moved. Besides, she was constantly 4... and 5... . The doctor came. He listened to her 6... and 7... . Then he took Ann's 8... . It was rather high. The doctor told Ann to take some 9... for her cold.


Headache, temperature, ill, hurt, lungs, sneezing, chest, coughing, medicine.



Ответ дал: nunny
Yesterday Ann fell 1 ill. She had a bad 2 headache. It 3 hurt when she moved. Besides, she was constantly 4 coughing and 5 sneezing. The doctor came. He listened to her 6 lungs and 7 chest. Then he took Ann's 8 temperature. It was rather high. The doctor told Ann to take some 9 medicine for her cold.
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