Раскрыть скобки и перевести - 1) My father just (to eat) his breakfast. 2) She (to find) her new T-Shirt the other day. 3) I (to study) the flora and fauna of Russia since 1997.


Ответ дал: PetrPeterson
1) My father just has eaten his breakfast.
2) She will has found her new T-Shirt the other day.
3) I have been studying the flora and fauna of Russia since 1997.
1) Мой отец только что доел свой завтрак.
2) Она найдет свою новую футболку в другой день.
3) Я изучаю флору и фауну России с 1997 года.

PetrPeterson: Во втором прям точно не уверен
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