помогите пожалуйста:( нужно сочинение по английскому на 150-200 слов на тему "как я провел лето"


Ответ дал: Мятушkа
My parents and I had a lot of fun in summer. Our summer holidays were very exciting. We went to Turkey in June. That was a cool trip. We stayed in the hotel. The food in the restaurant was yummy, the waiters were friendly and the entertainment team was really interesting. The weather was very nice, so we went swim every day. After a week we had a great suntan. Ones we went on a very interesting excursion. I made a lot of friends there. In was the best holiday in my life.
In July I stayed at home and helped my parents. Sometimes I met my friends and classmates. I often went to the library, so I read a lot of books in summer.
I'm spending August at home, because I have to get ready for school.
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