You received a message from your friend asking you to go clothes shopping with him/her at the weekend. Write a message of 50-80 words to your friend in which you:
• tell your friend you are excited to go shopping with him/her
• agree to go
• suggest something to do after shopping.
Write your message on your answer sheet.


Ответ дал: helperinenglish

Hi! Привет!

I am excited to go shopping with you. Очень рад(а) пройтись с тобой по магазинам.

I am not busy on that day and will keep you company with pleasure. В этот день я не занят(а) и с удовольствием составлю тебе компанию.

I think it will be fun! Я думаю, будет весело!

What are you going to do after shopping?

Что ты собираешься делать после шопинга?

What about going to the cinema? Как на счет пойти в кино?

Or we can go to a café and eat  ice-cream. Или мы можем пойти в кафе, поесть мороженое.

See you later! До встречи!


Вас заинтересует