(1)Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Perfect.
(2)Поставьте данные существительные во мн. ч.
fox tooth mouse
dress child man
tiger boy tomato
(3)Поставьте сущ. в притяжательном падеже.
the joh/my brother
the eyes/the cat
the camera/Tom
the toys/the children
(4)Употребите правильно обороты there is/there are
Look!------a photo of Georage in the newspaper!
Dunford is a very modern town ---------many old building in it/
Excuse me,--------a restaurant near here?
How many students-----------in your class обязательно отблогадарю!


Ответ дал: AquAlexa
1. Had fished
Had been late
Had seen
2. foxes teeth mice dresses children men tigers boys tomatos
3. The joh of my brother, the eyes of the cat, the camera of Tom, the toys of the children
Look! There's a photo of Georage in the newspaper!
Dunford is a very modern town there're many old building in it/
Excuse me, Is there a restaurant near here?
How many students aware there in your class?

artemzubkov97: СПАСИБО!
AquAlexa: Пожалуйста!
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