1. Поставьте глагол в соответствующее время, форму и залог.

1. I hope Dr. Brown (to give) you advice.
2. This hotel (to be decorated) by a famous designer.
3. Someone (to break) into a local jewellery shop yesterday.
4. When I came in the TV set was on but my husband (to sleep) soundly.
5. Jan and Olaf just (to come) back from their holiday.
6. Henry (to like) milk?
7. The children (to play) in the garden now.
8. What colour the clouds (to be)?
9. Sue (to swim) for half an hour already.
10. I (to wait) for him at the corner at 5 o’clock tomorrow.


Ответ дал: Проофитт
1) will give
2) was dekorated
3) broke
4)was sleeping
5) have came
6) likes
7) is playing
8) are
9) has swum
10) will wait
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