Although people are very worried about earth's climate these days, humans have always been had problems with the weather. In the winter of 1435 in Britain, it was so too cold that the River Thames froze and in Scotland all the wine was ruined because that froze, too. There were similar to conditions in 1684 when many people were died because of the cold. At the other end of the scale, records will show that in 1943 in South Dakota the temperature rose by 27 C in just two minutes. Six years much later in Coimbra, Portugal, the temperature rose by an incredible 32 C. This also has lasted just two minutes, but un that time several of farm animals were killed and the Mondego River was said to have dried up in several places. At its hottest, the temperature was 70 C.


Ответ дал: licisca
Although people are very worried about earth's climate these days, humans have always had problems with the weather. In the winter of 1435 in Britain, it was so cold that the River Thames froze and in Scotland all the wine was ruined because of that froze, too. There were similar conditions in 1684 when many people died because of the cold. At the other end of the scale, records will show that in 1943 in South Dakota the temperature rose by 27 C in just two minutes. Six years later in Coimbra, Portugal, the temperature rose by  incredible 32 C. This also has lasted just two minutes, but in that time several of farm animals were killed and the Mondego River was said to have dried up in several places. At its hottest, the temperature was 70 C.
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