write down questions and begin them with the worlds given in brackets                                      1)It often rains in autumn in Moscow.(when/where)                                                                  2)It never snows in afrika. ( does/where)                                                                                  3)it usually rains in October. (when/does)


Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка
1) When does it often rain in Mosqow?
    Where does it often rain in autumn?
2) Does it never snow in Afrika?
    Where does it never snow?
3) When does it usually rain?
    Does it usually rain in October?

Ответ дал: AnastasiaSar
1) When does it often rain in Moscow?
    Where does it often rain in autumn?
2) Does it never snow in Afrika?
    Where does it never snow?
3) When does it usually rain?
    Does it usually rain in October?
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