complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1. This is the first time I (see) the film Jaws.
2. Where (you/be)? Everyone is looking for you.
3. We (not decide) which film we want to see yet.
4. Jack and Lucy (have) singing lessons since they were small.
5. The director (not choose) who is going to have the main part in the play yet.
6. This film (win) many awards.


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
This is the first time I have seen the film Jaws
Where have you been? Everyone is looking for you
We haven't decided which film we want to see yet
Jack and Lucy have had singing lessons since they were small
The director hasn't choosen who is going to have the main part in the play yet
This film has won many awards
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