Задание 3.

Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Past Simple Passive.

Mike ____________________________________ (to send) to Moscow last week.
I _______________________________________ (to ask) at yesterday’s lessons.
We _________________________________ (to give) a very interesting book by the librarian.
No texts __________________________________ (to translate) during that lesson.
This bone __________________________________ (to give) to my dog by our neighbor.
Last season hockey ________________________________ (not to play) by any of the teams.
Thousands of houses _____________________________ (to destroy) in the storm.
___________ you ______________________ on your new appointment? (to congratulate)
They ________________________________ (not to give) any information about this hotel.
How many films ______________ he ____________________________? (to show)


Ответ дал: ktoposledniy
Mike was sent
I was asked
We were given
No texts were translated
This bone was given
hockey wasn'r played
Thousands of houses were destroyed
Were you congratulated
They weren't given
How many films was he shown?

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