Найдите в предложениях герундий и определите его время,залог и функцию.
1)Mary always dreams about going on holiday.
2)Please,excuse us for waiting too long.
3)My favorite occupation is reading.
4)We are interested in buying these goods.
5)I have three shirts that need washing.


Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка
1)Mary always dreams about going on holiday. - Simple, Active, дополнение
2)Please,excuse us for waiting too long. - Simple,
Active,  дополнение
3)My favorite occupation is reading. - Simple,  
Active, в составе сказуемого
4)We are interested in buying these goods. - Simple, 
Active, дополнение
5)I have three shirts that need washing. - Simple, 
Active, дополнение
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