Ребят, завтра тест пишу, помогите сделать задание: Переведите предложение. Затем напишите его в позитивной, негативной и вопросительной формах в Present Simple (настоящее простое), Past Simple (прошедшее простое) и Future Simple (будущее простое). Укажите краткие ответы: Собака во дворе, мама на работе!!! Ребят помогите плз

Аноним: а где само задание?
Аноним: надо самой придумать предложения или как???
Аноним: что перевести-то?)
shelocov777: по этому предложение: собака во дворе
mayaya: The dog is in the yard
Аноним: а...


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
Present Simple
The dog is in the yard.
Is the dog in the yard? Yes,it is.No,it isn't.
The dog is not in the yard.

Past Simple
The dog was in the yard.
Was the dog in the yard? Yes,it was/No,it wasn't.
The dog was not in the yard.

Future Simple
The dog will be in the yard.
Will the dog be in the yard? Yes,it will/No,it won't.
The dog will not be in the yard.

Present Simple
Mother is at work.
Is mother at work?Yes,she is./No,she isn't.
Mother isn't at work.

Past Simple
Mother was at work.
Was mother at work? Yes,she was./No,she wasn't.
Mother wasn't at work.

Future Simple
Mother will be at work.
Will mother be at work? Yes,she will./No,she won't.
Mother won't be at work.
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