1.Whose pen is it?-It's not ___ . a)my; b) my one; c) mine; 2.There ___ some flowers on the table. a)ours; b)our; c)are; 3. Is it your classroom?- Yes, it's ___ .a) ours b)our c)your; 4.How many students __ in your group? a)there are are there; b)are there; c)is there; 5.My __ name is Rex; a)dont; b) dag,s; c)dogs; 6.Is it your book?- No, it's my __? a)friend; b)friends; c)friend's; 7.There __ frige in the living room; a)isn't; b)is; c) is no; 8.Our flat is no the ___ flor; a)secondary; b)second; c)two; 9.Is it Tom's car?- No his ___. a)mother; b)mother's; c)mothers. 10.My sister has lunch at __ o'clock. a)ones; b)one; c)first.


Ответ дал: AripovZ
1 a
2 c
3 a
4 b
5 b (dog's )
6 c
7 c
8 b ( is on the second floor )
9 b
10 b
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