нужна помощь (( по англ



Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1) Do you want me to come with you? Or Shall I wait here?
I wanted to phone you but I didn't have your number
It's a nice house but it hasn't got a garden

2) If you pass the exam, you 'll get a certificate
If you don't want this magazine I'll throw it away
If you need money I can lend you some
If we go by bus it will be cheaper

3) a to go
b help
c studying
d to stay
e have
f having
g hear
h use
j to know, tell

4) a If I'm
b I give
c is
d I'll stay, you come
e I'll tell, I'm
f we'll come, we're
g I finish

5 a what
b which
c what
d which
e why
f who
g where
h how
j who

6) a on
b on
c at
d in
e in
f in
g on
h in
I at
j -
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