Задайте все виды вопросов к данному предложению We were at the cinema last weekend.


Ответ дал: AripovZ
1 Were we at the cinema last weekend?
( общий вопрос )
2 Who was at the cinema last weekend? (вопрос к подлежащему )
3 Where were we last weekend? (специальный вопрос )
4 Were we at the cinema or at the theater last weekend? (альтернатиный вопрос )
5 We were at the cinema last weekend, weren't we? (разделительный вопрос )

tkomirko: 1.
tkomirko: 1 Were we at the cinema last weekend?
(общий вопрос )
2 Who was at the cinema last weekend? (вопрос к подлежащему )
3 Where were we last weekend? (специальный вопрос )
4 Were we at the cinema or at the libruary last weekend? (альтернатиный вопрос )
5 We were at the cinema last weekend, weren't we? (разделительный вопрос)
Ответ дал: tkomirko
1 Were we at the cinema last weekend? 
( общий вопрос ) 
2 Who was at the cinema last weekend? (вопрос к подлежащему )
3 Where were we last weekend? (специальный вопрос )
4 Were we at the cinema or at the theater last weekend? (альтернатиный вопрос )
5 We were at the cinema last weekend, weren't we? (разделительный вопрос 
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