Раскройте скобки, употребляя прилагательное в соответствующей степени сравнения

1. The (much), the (good).

2. You are the (industrious) person, I have ever met.

3. I think, this test is written far (bad).

4. The weather today is not so (bad) as it was yesterday.

5. My mother is two years (young) than my father. And I am five years (old) than my sister. And as for our Granny, she is the (old) of all the members of our family.

6. Ted is as (strong) as Jack.

7. Winter is (cold) than autumn.

8. December was very (frosty), but January was still (frosty).

9. He is the (clever) of all the students in our group.

10. The (attentive) you are at the lesson, the (good) you understand the new topic.

11. This is the (romantic) song, I have ever heard.

12. The weather was (hot) and becoming (hot) every day.

13. This is a very (beautiful) town, but not the (beautiful). My native town, for example, is still (beautiful).

14. The theatre is situated a bit (far).

15. If you want to lose weight, you must eat (little).


Ответ дал: licisca
1. The more, the better.
2. You are the most industrious person, I have ever met.
3. I think, this test is written far worse.
4. The weather today is not so bad as it was yesterday.
5. My mother is two years younger than my father. And I am five years older than my sister. And as for our Granny, she is the oldest of all the members of our family.
6. Ted is as strong as Jack.
7. Winter is colder than autumn.
8. December was very frosty, but January was still frostier.
9. He is the cleverest of all the students in our group.
10. The more attentive you are at the lesson, the better you understand the new topic.
11. This is the most romantic song, I have ever heard.
12. The weather was hot and becoming hotter every day.
13. This is a very beautiful town, but not the most beautiful. My native town, for example, is still more beautiful.
14. The theatre is situated a bit farther.
15. If you want to lose weight, you must eat less.
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