Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.
1. "Do you work .. . an office?'’ “No, I work ... a factory.” 2. Mary lives near . . a large park. She often takes your son a walk ... the park. 3. Nick works hard ... his English. He does a lot .. exercises class and ... home. 4. My friend s son is ... college now, and my son is going . . college next year 5.1 stayed ... home ... ten yesterday morning. 6. I don't like playing football, but I often play . tennis work ... weekdays, and ... the week - end too. 7. We decided to ask our friends . . dinner tomorrow dinner we are going ... Central Park. 8.1 don't want to go ... the theatre tonight. My wife and 1 are going ... a walk. 9. I got ... home late yesterday evening and went ... bed ... once. 10. We spent Sunday .. the country. We went ... there early ... the morning and got back ... town late ... the evening. 11 Mary Petrova is a woman ... 32. She graduated ... the university ... Foreign Languages eight years ago. 12 They live ... the country, a long way ... Moscow. 13. We are going to have a test ... the 3rd .. December. Some ... my friends are coming this evening and we are going to revise the grammar rules ... the test


Ответ дал: nunny
1. "Do you work in an office?'’ “No, I work at a factory.” 2. Mary lives near a large park. She often takes your son for a walk in the park. 3. Nick works hard at his English. He does a lot of exercises class and at home. 4. My friend's son is at college now, and my son is going to college next year 5.1 stayed at home until ten yesterday morning. 6. I don't like playing football, but I often play tennis at work on weekdays, and at the weekend too. 7. We decided to ask our friends for dinner tomorrow dinner we are going to Central Park. 8. 1 don't want to go to the theatre tonight. My wife and 1 are going for a walk. 9. I got home late yesterday evening and went to bed at once. 10. We spent Sunday in the country. We went there early in the morning and got back to town late in the evening. 11 Mary Petrova is a woman. 32. She graduated from the university of Foreign Languages eight years ago. 12 They live in the country, a long way from Moscow. 13. We are going to have a test on the 3rd of December. Some of my friends are coming this evening and we are going to revise the grammar rules for the test.

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