Укажите, являются ли слова с –ing:
A) формами причастия
B) формами герундия
0. The designers are making changes in the construction of machines. – Ответ: 0)А.

1. There are different ways of explaining to him that he is wrong.
2. While studying at the University, I became interested in physics.
3. He left the hall without waiting for the performance to end.
4. She is sending a telegram.
5. Imagine living in a big house.
6. Scientists investigating the substance will use the results in their research.
7. Before using this fan you should read the instruction.
8. Speaking to him is a very nervous thing.
9. You can get better results by repeating the analysis.
10. After graduation from the Pedagogical Institute D.I. Mendeleyev started teaching at St. Petersburg University.
11. Everybody knows that smoking is a destructive habit.
12. The giant molecules can be composed of a large number of repeating units.
13. Besides lectures D.I. Mendeleyev was working at a new book.
14. The energy produced by splitting the nucleus of an atom is called “nuclear” or “atomic” energy.
15. Any thinking person must protect the planet.
16. Heating will not change the properties of the substance.


Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка
1. There are different ways of explaining to him that he is wrong. B) формами герундия
2. While studying at the University, I became interested in physics.A) формами причастия
3. He left the hall without waiting for the performance to end. B) формами герундия
4. She is sending a telegram. - A) формами причастия
5. Imagine living in a big house. B) формами герундия
6. Scientists investigating the substance will use the results in their research. A) формами причастия
7. Before using this fan you should read the instruction. B) формами герундия
8. Speaking to him is a very nervous thing. B) формами герундия
9. You can get better results by repeating the analysis. B) формами герундия
10. After graduation from the Pedagogical Institute D.I. Mendeleyev started teaching at St. Petersburg University.B) формами герундия
11. Everybody knows that smoking is a destructive habit. B) формами герундия
12. The giant molecules can be composed of a large number of repeating units. A) формами причастия
13. Besides lectures D.I. Mendeleyev was working at a new book.A) формами причастия
14. The energy produced by splitting the nucleus of an atom is called “nuclear” or “atomic” energy. B) формами герундия
15. Any thinking person must protect the planet. - A) формами причастия
16. Heating will not change the properties of the substance.
B) формами герундия
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