Суффикс –er. Угадай профессию. ПРИМЕР. Someone who bakes bread is a baker. Someone who interviews people is a…. Someone who plays football is a… Someone who eats well is a… Someone who paints houses is a… Someone who sleeps well is a… Someone who rules the country is a… Someone who kills animals is a… Someone who explores new lands is a… Someone who makes or repairs shoes is a… Someone who always causes trouble is a… Someone who makes clothes as a job is a … Someone who makes films is a… Someone who has traveled to another

svet24111976: Помогите пожалуйста


Ответ дал: Inconceivable
1) an interviewer
2) a footballer
3) a well-eater
4) a painter
5) a well-sleeper
6) a ruler
7) a hunter
8) an explorer
9) a cobbler/shoe-maker
10) a trouble-maker/trouble-causer
11) a designer
12) a flm-maker
13) a traveller
Ответ дал: phoebs
Interviewer, player, painter, sleeper, ruler, hunter, explorer, shoemaker, clothier, filmmaker.

phoebs: Traveler
phoebs: Troublemaker
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