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Ответ дал: McViti
1. Is there a cat in the window? - Yes, there is. 
2. Is there a book on the shelf? - Yes, there is .
3. Are there several pictures on the walls ? -Yes, there are. 
3. Are there many glasses in the cupboard? - Yes, there are. 
4. Is there a peach on the plate? - No, there is not/ there isn't.
5. Was there a shop at the corner? - Yes, there was.
6. Were there many apples in the basket? - Yes, there were. 
7. Was there a boy in the room? - No, there was not/ there wasn't. 
8. Were there any pears on the plate? - No,there were not/ there weren't.
9. Will there be a lot of people at the stadium? - Yes, there will be.
10. Will there be any interesting programmes on TV tomorrow? - Yes, there will be.
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