помогите, задали упражнение, ничего не пойму, что надо сделать.....это все, что в упражнении написано, напишите ответ...плиззз
Tell Jim what you usually do in each lesson.
 Use: sing songs,riad a lot,solve problems,listen to storie,write count,draw,translate from...info.....,ask questions , answer questions,discuss,learn by heart    
Example: We sing song in our Music lessons


Ответ дал: zorbing
We read a lot in our Literature lessons.
We solve problems and count in our Maths lessons.
We listen to stories in our English lessons.
We translate from Russian into English in our English lessons.
We ask and answer questions in our History lessons.
We discuss different books in our Literature lessons.
We write in our Russian lessons.
We draw in our Art lessons.
We learn poems by heart in our Literature lessons.

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