A:I say...you look... .Where did you...?
B:As for me I...and... .
A:Did you go there...or...?
B:I went with.... .And what about you?
A:I spent my summer holidays... .
B:How did you get to...?
A:We went there by... .
B:Did you...?
A:Sure.I enjoyed... . Составить диалог


Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка
A: I say you look very lovely .Where did you spend last month?
B: As for me I look as usual and I went to the seaside in August.
A: Did you go there alone or with your family?
B: I went with my mother. And what about you?
A: I spent my summer holidays in the country.
B: How did you get there?
A: We went there by bus.
B: Did you enjoy your holidays?
A: Sure.I enjoyed swimming and playing different games with my friends.

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