Помогите плиз срочно нужно!!!!!
№1) Put THE if it is necessary
1.____ Universe
2.____Milky Way
4.____ Earth

№2) Choose the correct form of the verb
I..........TV when my friend phoned.
1. watched
2. have watched
3. was watching
4. have been watching

№3) Choose the right sentence
1. Boys was not walking.
2. The boy was not walking.
3. The boy were not walking
4. The boy was not walk.

№4)Choose the right form of the verb
My friends......in Chicago since 2003.
1. live
2. were living
3. have been living
4. lived

№5)Choose the right answer
Do you still play table tennis?
1. No, I haven't played tennis for ages.
2. Yes,I hadn't played tennis often.
3.No, I have played it for a long time.
4. Yes. I don't played it for a long time

№6) Make up the sentence using the next words
Made/in/Galileo/the/first/the telescope/century/sixteenth.-


Ответ дал: McViti
1. Везде
2. 3. was watching
3. 2. The boy was not walking.
4. 3. have been living
5. 1. No, I haven't played tennis for ages.
6. Galileo made the first telescope in the sixteenth century.

Natara1: 1. Везде, кроме Earth. Перед Землей разве не надо артикля?
125Nissan: В англо-русский переводчик набери The Earth тебе выйди слово Земля, поменя местами покажит тебе слово без арктикля
McViti: Да, с артиклем лучше. Спасибо что заметили)
125Nissan: с арктиклем The Earth&
125Nissan: ????
McViti: Автору вопроса, о поводу артикля с earth, там смотря в каком контексте используется слово Earth, может быть с артиклем или без. Поэтому в переводчике так вышло.
McViti: Здесь да, с артиклем.
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