раскройте скобки поставив глаголы в present simple или present continuous
1) Tom ________ (play) football every day, but now he ________ (play) tennis.

2) Angela _______ (go) to bed early every evening.

3) You and Greg _________ (watch) TV at the moment.

4) Pat _________ (read) a comic every day, but now she__________ (read) a book.

5) He ___________ (walk) to school in the morning.

6) Andrea ___________ (drink) milk every day, but now she __________ (drink) juice.


Ответ дал: Рома9
1. Plays, now he is playing
2. Goes
3. Are watching
4. Pat reads, she is reading
5. He walks
6. Drinks, now she is drinking
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