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We use the present simple for:
a) things that happen repeatedly.
b) permanent situations.
c) future calendar or timetable events.
d) future meanings after if, when, until, etc.

We use the present continuous for:
e) something happening as you speak.
f) temporary situations in a given time period.
g) intentions for the near future.
h) irritating things that often happen.

1) She comes from France.
2) My brother is always sitting in front of the television.
3) I write emails twice a week.
4) I'll phone you as soon as I arrive.
5) He is looking up some information on the Internet now.
6) My friend is doing a computer course.
7) The plane departs at 5 p.m. tomorrow.
8) I'm seeing my friend at the Internet Club on Saturday. 


Ответ дал: Рома9
Present simple
A) 3), b) 1), c) 7), d) 4)
Present continuos
E) 6), f) 5), g) 8), h)2)
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