report the sentences in indirect speech "they are terribly frightened ," thought Dorothy. "what is your name, dear child?" asked the old woman. "where is the city?" asked Dorothy. "we cannot go with you," said the little men. "I hope you will find the wizard," said the good witch.


Ответ дал: peskotskaya
1Dorothy thought they were terribly frightened.  2The old woman asked the child what her name was.  3Dorothy asked where the city was.  4The little man said  they couldn't go with him.  5The good witch said she hoped Dorothy would find the wizard. 
Ответ дал: Аноним
1) Dorothy thought (that) they were terribly frightened.
2) The old woman asked what the name of the child was.
3) Dorothy asked where the city was.
4) The little men sad (that) they couldn't go with her.
5) The good witch said (that) she hoped that Dorothy would find the wizard.

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