Помогите пожалуйста сделать:
Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuos.



Ответ дал: susikarartinya
10) - c) are sleeping
11) - b) does go
12) - a) meet
13) - b) is raining 
14) - a) doesn't go
15) - a) stay
16) - b) wants
17) - a) do have
18) - c) is going
19) - c) are getting
20) - b) do understand

1) is shining
2) reads
3) does
4) are playing
5) goes out 
6) are .. doing
7) are.. going
8) does .. read
9) don't attend 
10) does .. understand

isazadie03: Спасибо
McViti: 1 задание 14) - a) DON'T (а не doesn't) go
susikarartinya: Перепутала просто )) главное что вариант А правильный ответ ))
Ответ дал: peskotskaya
A  10c  11b  12a  13b  14a  15a  16b  17a  18с  19c  20b     B  1 is shining  2reads  3does  4are playing  5goes  6are the students doing  7are you going  8Does your nephew read  9don't attend  10Does she understand
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