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Ответ дал: peskotskaya
Yes, I do. I like the town where I live now .
I would like to live in London if I had a choice.
My family is not big. I've got a mother,a father and a brother.
 I expect to improve my English speaking skill and writing skill this school year.
My three greatest wishes are:1 to visit London  2to study  at Cambridge University   3to speak English fluently 
I have been learning English for 6 years.
I learn English only at school.
It's possible to learn English on the Internet and at language courses.
I have tried to learn English on my own watching educational programmes on TV.
I find taking an English course outside school the most effective way of learning a language.
I don't think It's possible to know a second language as well as native speakers do.
I learn English with pleasure because I find it very interesting , useful and a little hard.
It can be useful for tourists visiting foreign countries, it is the language of policy, science, business.It is used by the government, businessmen  and universities.
People learn foreign languages because people like to travel and communicate with each other, it is absolutely necessary for every good specialist.
I think language learning  has become more popular recently because English is the universal language of computing.

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