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Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 'Where is the party? ' 'It's on Sunday evening.
2 'Where is Bournemouth? It 's in the south of England.
3 What do you do in your free time?
4 She's quite tall with brown curly hair and brown eyes.
5 We live in a big house near the city center.
6 His mother is a teacher at a primary school.
7 Do you like listening to rock music?
8 Well, that 's all of me.
9 There are four of us in our family.
10 My house is in fifteen minutes walk to the city center.
11 My father works for a very big company.
12 His mother is a surgeon. She works at Memorial Hospital.
13 He plays football on Sundays.
14 He usually goes for a walk with his dog in the afternoon.
15 I live in Carlisle. It's a city in the north of England.

Zojim: Спасибочки~~
parljukljuba: Не за что)
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