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On Sundays the Country Mouse comes to visit her. The Country Mouse is her friend. The Country Mouse is grey and smart. She has got black eyes, small ears and a long tail. She likes to read and draw pictures. She can write poems.


Ответ дал: galina572319
[ɒn  ˈsʌndeɪz  ðə  ˈkʌntri  maʊs  kʌmz tuː  ˈvɪzɪt  hɜː.  
ðə ˈkʌntri  maʊs  ɪz  hɜː  frɛnd. 
ðə  ˈkʌntri  maʊs  ɪz  greɪ  ænd  smɑːt.  
ʃiː  hæz  gɒt  blæk  aɪz,  smɔːl  ɪəz  ænd  ə  lɒŋ  teɪl.  
ʃiː  laɪks  tuː  riːd  ænd  drɔː  ˈpɪkʧəz.  
ʃiː  kæn  raɪt  ˈpəʊɪmz.]
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