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Ответ дал: AnnaAndreevna95
1)I was waiting for a bus at the bus stop, when it started rain. 2)Paul took the key, unlocked the door and entered his flat. 3) While Alison was making dough for the cake, her gaughter was whipping the cream with the mixer. 4) When Andy turned on the radio, the reporter was telling about the flood in the south of the country. 5)Mr Rogers was shaving in the bathroom when the telephone rang. 6)What was Sheila doing while you were typing the report?-She was making some calculations for our boss.7)Where was Lessica hurrying when you met her yesterday morning?-She was hurrying to the hospital. 8)When did the accident happen?-It happened at about 8 o'clock yesterday evening. I was walking towards the supermarket when I saw a car speeding along the road. Suddenly a little boy run out onto the road.  The driver turned the car and crashed into a three. 9)Who was Martin speaking to when when we saw him yesterday?-He was speaking to his coach. 10) The sun was setting behind the horizond when we reached the point of our destination.
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