ЗАДАНИЕ 5 Заполните пропуски в общих вопросах соответствующими вспомогательными глаголами в Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous или Past Continuous: 1. ......you study English at the university last year? 2.........you at the cinema last Sunday? 3.........you busy today? 4......7.. you going to buy a present yesterday? 5.........you like music? 6.......»your father have a car? 7......... you working the whole day yesterday? 8.........you go to the country last week? 9........you " sure that you are right? 10.....your sister eat much? 11.........you doing your homework now? 12.........you help your parents yesterday? 13.........you playing alt the time yesterday? 14.........уоЧі often stay at home? 15.........your colleagues pay for lunch yesterday? 16........your brother watching TV the whole day yesterday? 17.......you going to buy flowers for your friend?' 18........your friend tell you sometimes funny stories? 19........you usually happy when you get presents? 20........your friend live in Moscow five years ago? 21........ you bom in Moscow? 22........your mother often break plates in the kitchen? 23........you like to ask questions? 24........you speak to your friend yesterday? 25........you get an e-mail from your friend yesterday? 26........ your friend often get e-mails from you? 27........you afraid to break a vase in the glass shop yesterday? 28........you 21 or 22 years old? 29........your name Alex or Max? 30.......this vase cost 50 dollars? 31........ you see your friends yesterday? 32.......you staying at home all the time yesterday? 33.......you at home now?


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