Дополнительно каждое второе предложение таким образом,чтобы по смыслу оно совпадало с первым предложением.Используйте не более трёх слов,включая выделенное
1. We don't know anything about the problem. INFORMATION
We don't .........about the problem
2. Is it okay if I have some cheese?BIT
Is it okay if I have..........cheese?
3.There's only a little coffee left in the jar. MUCH
There......coffee left in the jar.
4.I try not to drink too much Coca-Cola in a week. CANS
I try not to drink too.........of Coca-Cola in a week.
5.Would you like some more chocolate? PIECE
Would you like.......chocolate?
6.I don't want a lot of cream on my strawberries. CREAM
I only want....on my strawberries
Помогите,буду весьма благодарна вам)))


Ответ дал: nunny
1. We don't have any INFORMATION about the problem.
2. Is it okay if I have a bit of cheese?
3. There isn't much coffee left in the jar.
4. I try not to drink too many cans of Coca-Cola in a week.
5. Would you like another piece of chocolate?
6. I only want a little cream on my strawberries.

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