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Ответ дал: Picatm
Hello! I want to tell you about my working day. Usually I get up at 7 o'clock because I need a lot to do before school. It's not so hard to get up early if I go to bed before 12 am. I usually make my bed because I like my room to be neat and cozy. I usually have porridge with some fruits and coffee for breakfast. I leave home around 7:30. My school is not too far from home so I need 15 minutes to go on foot. When I have 6 lessons I usually come home around 3 pm. And it's important to have lunch after school because I'm hungry. After that I usually do my homework to be free. In the evening I have some free time so I watch TV or reading an interesting book. I like to go to bed at 11 pm to be efficient the next day.
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