This is ... story about ... Frenchman, ... Englishman and ... American who were once travelling by ... train in ... Europe. ... conversation was about how fast ... trains were in their countries. ... Frenchman said, “In my country ... trains go so fast that ... telegraph posts by ... railway line look like ... garden fence (забор)". ... Englishman said, “At home ... trains run so fast that we have to pour ([po;] лить) ... water on ... wheels (колеса) to stop them from getting hot.” ...American said, “That’s nothing! I was once taking ... trip and my daughter came on to ... platform to see me off. While I was getting into ... compartment ... train started. I leaned out of ... window to give her ... kiss and kissed instead ... cow (корова) in ... field six miles down ... railway line.”


Ответ дал: peskotskaya
A story, a Frenchman. an Englishman.an American,bytrain, in Europe,the conversation, -trains, the Frenchman,the trains, -telegraph posts,the railway line, a garden fence,the Englishman ,the trains,-water, the wheels,the American ,the trip,the platform,the compartment, the train,the window,a kiss,a cow, the field, the railway line.
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