Put a circle around the letter of the answer that means the same as the word in bold.

2.Ali keeps a strip of paper in his book so he can remember what page he is on.
a.heavy piece c.long thin piece
b.dark piece d.dirty piece

3.there is a row of trees along each side of our street.
a.line c.record
b.forest d.piece

4.half a dozen eggs is six eggs.
a.fouteen c.eight
b.twelve d.sixteen

5.someone delivers a newspaper to my apatment every morning.I don't have to go out and buy one.
a.uses c.destroys
b.brings d.connects

6.i tried to pay for their help but they wouldn't accept my money.
a.bring c.take
b.shoot d.suppose

7.Sara received a package from her parents yesterday.they sent her some new clothes.
a.needed c.spent
b.got d.told

8.stop talking immediately!the test started five minutes ago.
a.today c.later
b.soon d.right now

9.i don't have to work or go to class today.i can do whatever I want to do.
a.anything c.anytime
b.anywhere d.anyone

10.Saudi Arabia has a desert climate.Canada has a cold climate in winter.the climate in Indonesia is tropical.
a.type of land c.government
b.average weather d.food

Natara1: тут еще нужно знать, какое слово выделено жирным в каждом предложении
peskotskaya: По толкованию понятно


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