пожалуйста помогите..........



Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 he is
2 he lives
3 he plays
4 he has
5 he listens
6 he watches
7 he reads
8 he uses
9 he helps
10 he walks
11 he gives
12 he hates

2 Does he work at the local school? No, he doesn't .
3 - What's your brother like?
- He is kind and patient.
4 Do they like jazz music? Yes, they do.
5 Does he like living in the city? No, he doesn't.
6 Does she hate doing the ironing? - Yes, she does.
7 Does he play tennis on Saturday? Yes, he does.
8 What is Steve look like? He's tall and handsome.
9 Does he like playing the guitar? No, he doesn't.

2 Terry hates listing to classical music.
3 We love going to the cinema.
4 Adam and Kelly like exercising.
5 She likes going on picnics.
6 They hate cleaning the house.
7 I love traveling.
8 George likes playing computer games.
9 I hate doing the washing up.
10 Rebecca hates fishing.
11 He love walking in the park.
12 David and Anna don't like walking up early.
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