Перевести на английский. Мы все вместе зашли в туристическое агенство, чтобы купить билеты на экскурсию. А после этого хотели сходить в кафе пообедать. Я остался в агенстве, а моя жена и сын пошли в кафе. Когда я туда пришел, то увидел, что жена была одна. Понимаете я думал, что сын был с женой, а она решила, что он остался со мной. И сейчас мы не знаем, где он.


Ответ дал: Аноним
We came into a tourist agency to buy tickets for an excursion. After that we wanted to go to the cafe to have lunch. I stayed in the agency and my wife with my son went to the cafe. When I came there I saw that my wife was alone. You see, I thought that our son was with my wife but she decided that he stayed with me. And now we don't know where he is.
Ответ дал: helperinenglish
We all  came into a tourist agency to buy tickets for an excursion. After that we wanted to go to a cafe to have lunch. I stayed at the agency and my wife with my son went to the cafe. When I came there I saw that my wife was alone. You see, I thought that our son was with my wife but she decided that he had stayed with me. And now we don't know where he is.
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