Решите задание по английски,используя теорему Ома

5. Solve these problems:

1. How much is the current in the circuit if a 60-volt source is connected to a resistance of 1,600 ohms?

2. How much is the voltage in a circuit having a current equal to 25 amp, if a 25-ohm resistance is connected to it?

3. A 70.35-ohm resistance is connected to the circuit. How much is the voltage if the current equals 4.5 amp?


Ответ дал: vunderkid
1. I=60/1600=0,0375 amp. The current in the circuit is 0,0375 amp.
2. U=25*25=625 volt. The voltage in the curcuit is 625 volt.
3. U=70,35*4,5=316,575 volt. The voltage in the curcuit is 316,575 volt.
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