Write sentance about Ann in Past Continuous
8.45-9.15 had breakfast
12.45-1.30 had lunch
9.15-10.00 read the newspaper
2.30-3.30 washed some clothes
10.00-12.00 cleanher flat
4.00-6.00 watched television


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
Ann was having breakfast from 8.45 till 9.15.
Ann was having lunch from 12.45 till 1.30.
Ann was reading the newspaper from 9.15 till 10.00.
Ann was washing some clothes from 2.30 till 3.30.
Ann was cleaning her flat from 10.00 till 12.00.
Ann was watching television from 4.00 till 6.00.

Vetal341: Спасибо огромное)
parljukljuba: Не за что)
parljukljuba: Успехов в учебе)
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