Текст на английском про момент летних каникул, который запомнился лучше всего. 12 предложений


Ответ дал: 1234567891167
В Яндак найди переводчик , поменяй местами русский и английский и пиши ВСё что запомнилось на русском в другой стороне будет на английском!

sonya3006: это не вариант,извини)
sonya3006: но спасибо!
Ответ дал: vladvip1
I very love summer. It's my favourite season.
On summer holidays I went to my grandma in the village. She is 68 years old, so I should to help she. Firstly, i don't like it. But, when I met a lot of childrens, I got many friends. They are helped me, and i helped them.
At evening, when we finished our work, we played in active games, football... . My best friends were Mark and Maxim. They are the brothers, and the have a little sister Maria. I very liked to play with she, but she is very noise, so I  was very tired after this games.
With good friends the any work begin interesting.

sonya3006: спасибо оогромное!)
sonya3006: очень помог!
sonya3006: до репититора 7 минут
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