ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО!!! Заранее спасибо!
John and Sally think summer is better than autumn. Do you know why?

Example 1: In autumn the weather is rainy. In summer it wasn't rainy.

1) In autumn it is often cold.
2)In autumn nights are long and dark.
3) In autumn the sky is often grey>
4) In autumn the wing is cold and strong?
5) In autumn trees are red and yollow.
6) In autumn schoolchildren are at school.


Ответ дал: Alexandrgoroxov
Как я понял, нужно выбрать правильные вариант?
В таком случае, думаю подойдут 1,2(хотя сомневаюсь, скорее ночи длинные зимой),3,4,6(тут как понимать...)

Alexandrgoroxov: *варианты
Ответ дал: jushka25
1. In summer it wasn't cold.
2. In summer they weren't long and dark.
3. In summer it wasn't grey.
4. In summer it wasn't cold and strong.
5. In summer they weren't red and yellow.
6. In summer they weren't in school.
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