Нарисуй или вклей фотографию своей любимой игрушки или своего любимого животного и заполни анкету.тебе помогут слова в сундучках. I have got a .... .He(she,it) is ..... .He( she,it) has got a ...... head with...... hair. He( she,it) has got ....... nose and .... eyes. He( she,it) can ......... . He( she,it) cannot ...... .

freh2809: Яка у тебе є тварина?
nisa5953: кот


Ответ дал: alexandra2132
I have got a pet. it is cat. .it has got a small head with brown hair. it has got a pink nose and green eyes. it can jump and run. it cannot dance
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