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My name is Andrei. I only child in family. I get on very well with my parents. My dad works engineer. I also want be engineer or programmist. My mother hasn't profession. She cook, tidy and etc.. I love and value her. My parents support me, and I support them. I think my family is the best.


Ответ дал: Клубничка10000
Я конечно не специалист, но ошибок не нашла.
Ответ дал: nikkaknikprohodimimo
My name is Andrei. I am an only child in my family. I get on (?) very well with my parents. My dad is an engineer. I also want to be an engineer or a programmer. My mother hasn't got a profession. She cooks, tidies and etc.. I love and value (?) her. My parents support me, and I support them. I think my family is the best.

korchevnaya2016: I am the only one child in my family.
korchevnaya2016: Вместо value употребите appreciate.
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