Найдите одну ошибку в каждом предложении.

1.The story was written Agatha Christie.
2.Baseball is played at this stadium now.
3.English are spoken all over the world.
4.Dinner have just been cooked by my Mother.
5.By three o’clock my work will been finished already.

Буду благодарен за помощь ;)


Ответ дал: liz172
1.The story was written by Agatha Christie.
2.Baseball is being played at this stadium now. 
3.English is spoken all over the world. 
4.Dinner has been 
just cooked by my Mother. 
5.By three o’clock my work will have been already finished. 

LanCerDK: Огромное спасибо, дружище ;)
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